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By-Laws [PDF version]





ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the U. S. Naval Academy, Alumni Association, Connecticut Chapter, hereafter called the CHAPTER.


The Chapter is recognized by the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, hereafter called the ASSOCIATION.


The aims of the Chapter are as follows:

1. To foster the interests of our Country, the Naval Service, and the U. S. Naval Academy.

2. To perpetuate the friendships and associations formed by the members through their common experience and interests in the Naval Academy and the Naval Service, and to promote fraternal feelings among the Naval Academy Alumni.

3. To interest and guide young men and women who desire a naval career and who show promise of being a credit to the Naval Service.

4. To communicate the message of the Naval Academy to the area alumni.

These aims are entirely patriotic, fraternal, and philanthropic, and are not for the financial advantage of the Chapter or any member.


Regular Members

Any person who has been sworn in and entered on the rolls as a Midshipman for the full and regular course prescribed by the Academic Board for his or her class at the Naval Academy, and whose service has not been terminated under other than honorable conditions, shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter upon graduation of their class. He or she becomes a Regular Member of the Chapter upon payment of the annual dues.

Associate Members

1. Widows or widowers of deceased Alumni shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter as Associate Members with non-voting privileges.  Annual dues will be assessed.

2. Persons who have demonstrated active support of the Naval Service, the Naval Academy, or the Naval Academy Alumni Association may be invited to join the Chapter as Associate Members with non-voting privileges. The number of Associate Members shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members. Annual dues will be assessed.


1. This Chapter shall operate as a not-for-profit organization within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is organized exclusively to accomplish the Aims set forth in ARTICLE III.

2. Responsibility for the management of the affairs of the Chapter shall be vested in its Board of Directors, hereafter called the BOARD, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communication Director, and Program Chairman elected by the Chapter membership. The term of each will be for two years and until their successors are duly elected and installed, commencing on October 1 of the year for which elected. They may be re-elected twice, but then must wait at least one term before being elected to the same office again. The Board Members must be active Regular Members of the Chapter as well as Regular Members of the National Association.

3. The Board shall:

a. Conduct the business and activities of the Chapter consistent with these By-laws.

b. Routinely report the affairs, activities, and financial status of the Chapter to the Membership.

c. Select and appoint a Chapter Regular member to fill the unexpired terms of any officer or Director, except the President whose unexpired term shall be filled by the Vice President.

d. Conduct the meetings of the Board in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

4. A majority of Board members shall constitute a quorum for meetings. Questions shall be decided by majority vote of those present. The presiding officer's vote shall be decided in case of a tie.


1. The President shall preside at meetings of the Chapter and of the Board and shall provide leadership and direction to the Chapter within the guidelines of the Bylaws. He shall appoint standing committees, and any special committees that may be required.

2. The Vice President shall perform the duties normally associated with that office and such duties as may be delegated to him by the President. In case the President is unable to complete his term, the Vice President shall become President.

3. The Secretary shall keep a current data base of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Chapter members. He shall keep a record of all meetings of the Chapter and maintain a file of the minutes of Board meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for publishing and distributing the Chapter Newsletter.

4. The Treasurer shall receive all annual dues and other Chapter funds and deposit them in a financial institution approved by the board. He shall be signatory on the Chapter checking account and will make disbursements as necessary in the best interest of the Chapter. He shall  maintain a record of receipts and expenditures and make a financial report at the annual meeting and provide quarterly reports to the members of the Board. Chapter financial records in the Treasurer's custody shall at all times be subject to inspection and verification by the Board. Expense reimbursement requests must be accompanied by receipts for any amount over $25.

5. The Communication Director shall be the Public Relations and press representative of the Chapter. He shall also provide timely submissions to Shipmate magazine for publicizing Chapter activities.

6. The Program Chairman shall be responsible for scheduling and organizing Chapter events and meetings. He shall ensure that deposits and payments are completed in a timely fashion to restaurants and suppliers for Chapter events.

7. Class representatives shall be designated by the President as appropriate. Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Serving as "greeters/host" during meeting social hours.

b. Acting as telephone tree contacts for their respective classes.

c. Serving as At-large (non-voting) representatives to the board.


1. At least three Chapter meetings will be held each year. The last meeting of the fiscal year shall be the Annual Meeting and will be used for the election of Officers and Directors, the presentation of the Financial Report, and other chapter business.

2. Meetings of the Board will be called by the President as required. At least one annual Board meeting will be held.

3. Meeting topics shall be items of interest to the Alumni of the U. S. Naval Academy. Topics that should be avoided are those of a political, religious, or controversial nature.


1. The President shall appoint a Committee of at least three Regular Members by April 15 of each year to propose a slate for the following fiscal year's Officers and Directors. The offices of President, Secretary, and Communication Director shall be elected during even years. The offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and Program Chairman shall be elected during odd years.

2. The slate of the Committee shall be returned to the Board by May 15. The slate of Candidates, any other business of the Chapter requiring voting, and other nominations supported by at least 10% of Regular Members shall be mailed by the Board to the Membership by June 1. Voting shall occur at the Annual Meeting. No nominations from the floor will be accepted at that meeting.

3. Proxy voting shall not be permitted at any Chapter or Board meeting.


1. The amount of Chapter dues shall be set by the Board.

2. The annual dues for the calendar year shall become due on January 1 of that year and shall be paid to the Treasurer.

3. A grace period until March 1 will be permitted before the delinquent member is notified by the Treasurer. If payment is not made by April 1, the member will be dropped from the rolls.

4. Any member who has been dropped for non-payment of dues, may be reinstated by payment of the full amount.

5. New members moving into the state, after June 30, and joining the Chapter shall be assessed at a reduced rate to be determined by the Board.


These by-laws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by a two-thirds vote of the Members attending any duly organized meeting of the Chapter, provided the proposed changes have been submitted to the Board and to the Members at least thirty days before the meeting.


In the event of dissolution of this Chapter, funds remaining in the treasury after all obligations are paid shall be forwarded to the Association as a donation to the Naval Academy Fund.
